Musician Annie Lockwood performed at the Skylark Club & Cafe Sunday night, May 9. She, Abi Grace, and Julia Massey performed as a donation for Alki resident Tracy Dart's Team Tracy Walk for the Cure organization. Click on photo for slide show.
The Team Tracy "Mother's Day Music for Mammaries" All Ages Show at the Skylark Club & Cafe Sunday night, May 9, drew a respectable crowd. The breast-cancer benefit celebrated with a line-up of female musical artists who donated their time and talent, and raffle prizes offered by female-owned businesses. The Skylark donated a portion of food and drink sales to Team Tracy for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk for the Cure, to take place Sept. 24-26.
Annie Lockwood, Abi Grace, and Julia Massey performed. Grace organized the event. Raffle gifts were donated by Credo Jewelry, Smashing Divas makeup artists and consultants, Vemayca accessory bags, Moulton Bon Bons for planting and not eating, a book by author Leta Hamilton, and a “Dot Girl’s First Period Kit.”
Team Tracy was organized by Alki resident Tracy Dart, who has been a public voice in West Seattle for breast cancer research and awareness. She was surrounded by friends and supporters at the Skylark event.
In her Team Tracy blog, Tracy Dart wrote an entry the day of the event. It began with, “My first chemo treatment was Friday. I say first, because, although I did chemo last year, I did the pill form of chemo…not IV and it is a completely different ball of wax.”
During the event Dart said, "I wasn’t part of the planning tonight which was actually really nice." She wore a shiny pink workout jacket. “We’re still raising money. We have 18 members on our (Team Tracy) team this year and have a lot of money to raise between now and September.”
Click on photo for slide show