Decatur alum and wrestling star earns Master's Degree in Iowa
Erik Honda, shown here with his mother Susan Honda, Mother, was awarded Masters of Arts, Morningside College, Sioux City Iowa on May 8.
Tue, 05/11/2010
Erik Junso Honda, a former Decatur High School student and wrestling standout, was awarded the Hood of the Masters of Arts in Teaching, Instructional Strategist II, on Saturday May 8th, 2010 from the Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa.
His journey from the winner's podium to the graduation stage has been as challenging as any opponent he faced on the mat. After being on the winingest Decatur High School Wrestling Team ever, Erik Honda spent the next four years at the University of Dubuque. Wrestling in Iowa brought a step up in competition. But academic studies came first.
Graduating in 2006 in Education with several endorsements including Special Ed, Honda joined the staff at Prescott Elementary in downtown Dubuque, Iowa.
At Prescott, a charter school, Honda has proven himself with effective Special Ed programs. Honda also attended the Master’s Program from Morningside College in Sioux City, Iowa.
Honda stepped on the 116-year-old campus only once before graduation. Classes are online with professors conducting instruction over 300 miles away.
The Morningside College distance learning Masters program has been on line since 2007 and is being modeled at other Universities in Iowa.