Free/low-cost energy-efficiency upgrade program expanded: May 27 deadline
Tue, 05/11/2010
Homeowners throughout Federal Way are now eligible to apply for free and reduced-cost energy-saving retrofits through the end of this month.
The City of Federal Way Human Services Division and Tukwila-based SustainableWorks teamed up earlier this year to offer free and reduced-cost energy audits, weatherization and energy-saving retrofitting to homes near Mirror Lake. The mandatory timeframe focused on the target area is over. Now, all residents within city limits may apply.
Candidates must be owner-occupied homes or rental property with landlord agreement located within Federal Way.
Application deadline is May 27. To apply, visit or contact SustainableWorks’ Kellie Stickney at 206.575.2252.
Workshop slated for May 17
A free workshop explaining the program will be held from 7 to 8 p.m. on May 17 at the Nautilus Elementary School Library, 1000 S. 289th St.
“The goal of the program is for people’s monthly energy savings be greater than the amount they pay on the loan,” said Jennifer Teeler, Federal Way’s volunteer and neighborhood programs coordinator. “That helps household budgets and the environment.”
The program is funded through $750,000 in City and federal dollars.
The process begins with a pre-audit to determine eligibility followed by a professional energy audit. Worth approximately $600, the cost of the audit to the home- or business owner is $95. An energy consultant then maps out the best retrofits, the cost and the resulting energy savings.
Contractors then complete the installation/retrofit. SustainableWorks can further assist participants by helping them locate financing through low-interest loans.
SustainableWorks plans to complete energy retrofits on up to 2,000 homes and small businesses over the next two years by partnering with governments in King, Snohomish, Pierce and Spokane counties. This activity should produce approximately 120 full-time jobs and $12 million in retrofit work, as well as reduce carbon emissions by 3,000 tons. For more information or to volunteer with the organization, visit