Seattle City Council approves ten new landmarks
The Sanctuary at Admiral (former) Sixth Church of Christ, Scientist at 2656 42nd Ave. SW is one of ten Seattle landmarks approved for landmark designation.
Tue, 05/11/2010
The Seattle City Council today approved landmark designation ordinances for ten new City of Seattle landmarks. Representing a number of neighborhoods, these ten landmarks exemplify the diversity and the rich cultural and architectural heritage of our City. The City of Seattle Landmarks Preservation Board, staffed by Seattle Department of Neighborhoods, approved the nomination, designation, and controls and incentives for each of these landmarks, and forwarded the draft ordinances to City Council for approval.
The ten landmarks are:
(Former)First United Methodist Church, 811 5th Ave. (Downtown)
MGM Building, 2331 Second Ave. (Belltown)
Sorrento Hotel, 900 Madison Street (First Hill)
(Former) Sixth Church of Christ, Scientist, 2656 42nd Ave. SW (West Seattle)
now called Sanctuary at Admiral and available for rent
Egan House, 1500 Lakeview Boulevard E. (Capitol Hill)
Coca Cola Bottling Plant, 1313 E. Columbia St. (First Hill)
Fire Station # 13, 3601 Beacon Ave. S. (Beacon Hill)
Seattle Center House (Seattle Center)
Kobe Bell (Seattle Center)
Horiuchi Mural (Seattle Center)
One of these Landmarks, the Horiuchi Mural, is a candidate for restoration funding through the Partners in Preservation Program which runs through May 12. For more information on this program and how to vote for funding for this project or other candidates in Seattle, click here.
Seattle Department of Neighborhoods’ Historic Preservation Program is responsible for the designation and protection of more than 400 historic structures, sites, objects, and vessels, as well as seven historic districts located throughout the city. For more information on the landmark designation process, click here.