The award should have been ten times what he got
The award should have been ten times what he got
Fri, 05/14/2010
Dear Editor,
Personally, I think the only bad part about Mr. Ahroni winning the $1.7 million against Sears, Roebuck & co. and advertising giant Young & Rubicam, Inc is that the amount wasn't about TEN times greater or more.
He proved in a court of law he invented the product and did you also note HE MADE IT IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA...............NOT, I REPEAT NOT, IN CHINA AS SEARS ROEBUCK AND YOUNG AND RUBICAM DID.
Congratulations, Mr. Ahroni for fighting for what you knew was right and shame on Sears, Roebuck and Young and Rubicam .
Harriet Benjamin