Arizona immigration law supported
Mon, 05/17/2010
Exception is taken to the letter in the 5/14 edition of the Times/News by Harold Herrera, re his dislike of the Arizona Immigration Law that he disrespectfully calls the racial profiling law.
I am 69 years old, born and raised in the USA and make no apologies for that and, yes, I support the Arizona law 100 percent and the attempts by some other states to duplicate it.
I remind Mr. Herrera of the laws that Mexico imposes on those from Central and South America who seek to enter Mexico and especially what happens if they enter illegally.
The 12 million or so illegals is an estimate and now considered to be on the low side.
I have no problem with legal immigrants, even those who are now illegal, but only if they "take a number," get in line and wait their turn and if it takes 50 years for your name to get to the top, so be it. Learn English while you are waiting.
Let us also not forget the drug violence in Mexico and its effect north of the border and the crimes committed by illegals.
We are a nation of laws, but it appears not all think that should continue. If that makes me a "racist" in your eyes, believe me. I can live with that.
Phillip Stanat
Des Moines