Rachel Krueger, A Kennedy High graduate and Mt. Holyoke student, has joined the Times/News as a summer intern
Hello. My name is Rachel Krueger, and I will be interning with the Highline Times for the summer, reporting, helping assemble the calendar, proofreading, and working on the website.
At times my presence in the paper may seem subtle, but know that each set of quotation marks might face the proper direction as a result of my efforts.
Although I hail from Federal Way and attend college in Massachusetts at Mount Holyoke, I spent my high school years across the parking lot from the Highline Times' office at Kennedy Catholic.
During my stint there I played in the band and co-captained the knowledge bowl team.
At Mount Holyoke I continue to play the French horn in the orchestra, and I report for the news section of The Mount Holyoke News, one of the nation's finer 12-page college newspapers.
Last year, we broke the controversial "Blue ID Card" story. Over the course of the last semester I came to enjoy discussing campus issues with administrators, professors, and whichever students I could ambush.
I also wrote a book review.
This summer I look forward to learning about the important events in the Burien-SeaTac-Des Moines-Tukwila-Normandy Park area a few days before everyone else, presenting this information to the readers of the Times/News, and interviewing fascinating people who have no control whatsoever over my grades.