More than 25 years ago when a tall tree in Frank Ozier's front yard became too much of a concern during windstorms, the Ozier's decided to have it removed. A change of heart occurred after Frank reconsidered and hired a local tree carving artist to create the six-foot tall brown bear.
Meet the Ozier Bear
If you happen to motor along Normandy Park Dr. you may have noticed the now famous Ozier bear waving to passersby from its lofty perch on a stump in a front yard garden.
What's an Ozier bear you ask? It all started more than 25 years ago when a tall tree in Frank Ozier's front yard became too much of a concern during windstorms that the Ozier's decided to have it removed. A change of heart occurred after Frank reconsidered and hired a local tree carving artist to create the six-foot tall brown bear.
A more recent windstorm toppled a similar tree, barely missing the bear and much to the delight of neighbors who have grown accustomed to the happy creature Frank created. Frank often dresses it in seasonal holiday garb or will stick an American Flag in its waving paw.
The Ozier bear wears a bevy of hats for those occasions. One might see anything from an Easter bonnet to Santa's helper. Maybe his inspiration came from his daily truck route to Canada as a driver for Consolidated Freightways. Maybe it was his love of boating and camping in northwest parks. Whatever the occasion, keep your eyes open on Normandy Dr for the Ozier bear, you might see him wearing a party hat as Frank turned 90 on June 2nd.