Lina Raymond's "The Holdout II," part of her show focusing on disappearing Ballard businesses and landmarks currently showing at Portalis Wine Bar.
Ballard artists Lina Raymond lost a beloved business once and painted to get through her pain. Now, she does the same for Ballard's lost businesses and landmarks.
From her 100-year-old apartment building, Raymond has a view of empty storefronts and ruins of once-popular businesses.
Her paintings are colorful memorials to some of them, including Denny's, the Sunset Bowl, Edith Macefield's house and Epilogue Books.
"Paving paradise to put up parking lots is personal," Raymond said on her Web site. "And, we adapt or not."
Raymond's show, "Bearing Witness/adaptation," is showing at Portalis Wine Bar, located at 5205 Ballard Ave. N.W., until Aug. 6. After that, an expanded version of the show will be at Cupcake Royale, located at 2052 N.W. Market St., until Oct. 1.
Ballard Big Picture is a column of scenes from around the neighborhood. If you would like to submit a photo for use on this site and in the Ballard News-Tribune, please send it to Michael Harthorne at Be sure to include your name and information about your photo.