West Seattle's Tito Titus read selections of his poetry and storytelling at the recent monthly C&P Coffee POETRYBRIDGE. Dobbie Norris will be the featured poet at the next event, July 28.
Even his name is poetic. West Seattle's Tito Titus read selections of his poetry and storytelling at the recent monthly C&P Coffee POETRYBRIDGE. He was featured in the first half, then nine additional poets read during the second half's open mic. They included Kathleen Baginski, Kerry Cox, Judy Pigott, and Dobbie Norris. Mr. Norris will be the featured poet at the next event, July 28.
POETRYBRIDGE creators Walter Maenhout and Leopoldo Seguel continue the event every forth Wednesday of each month.
C&P Coffee
5612 California Avenue Southwest
(206) 933-3125