Three Junction area business each held car washes June 25 to raise money for the West Seattle Food Bank and Haiti relief. Pictured Front Left to Right: Quang Vo, Anna Guitchounts, Rich Bianchi, Fran Yeatts. Behind them in red are Pam Carter and Geoff Rowe. Rear left is Greg Chelgren and Terry Gagnon.
Three Junction area business each held car washes June 25 to raise money for the West Seattle Food Bank and Haiti relief. The "ringleaders" included organizer Terry Gagnon of State Farm, Jim Sansburn of John L. Scott, and Rich Bianchi of Keller Williams. True Value donated hoses, buckets, mitts and other washing supplies. Total raised was $2597.05. Of that, $2,020 goes to the food bank. We reported the car wash here.
Checks and cash were presented June 30 to the Food Bank's Fran Yeatts and Anna Guitchounts.
Pam Carter of True Value also engaged 10 West Seattle High School cheerleaders to volunteer washing cars, including her daughter, Jamie. Quang Vo of State Farm pitched in, as did Jack Miller of Husky Deli. Five members of Mars Hill Church also volunteered.
"I want to thank the entire West Seattle community for participating and hope we can do a better job washing cars next time," said Gagnon.