The Port of Seattle is reminding area residents the center runway of Seattle-Tacoma International Airport will be closed for concrete panel replacement from July 13 to Sept. 11.
All air traffic will be directed to the outer two runways during the project. Construction work will be done during daytime hours to reduce noise impacts to area neighborhoods during the evening.
During the closure, airport neighbors may notice increased noise associated with changes in runway use. Most departures are expected to be on the runway closest to the terminal and most arrivals on the third runway.
The 60-day project will replace deteriorating concrete surface panels on the second runway to allow the continued safe operation of the runway until full reconstruction slated in 2016. The closure is scheduled to begin at 6 a.m. on Tuesday.
Approximately 150 panels will be replaced to address degradation such as cracking, spalling, and faulting which can result in concrete debris that can break loose and be hazardous to aircraft. This number represents less than four percent of the approximately 4,000 concrete panels that make up the center runway.
Finish work, such as striping and pavement sawing, is scheduled to occur during overnight hours up to two weeks after the runway reopens. This low impact finish work will not require daytime closure of the runway.
The runway closure will not affect airline flight schedules or passengers.
The second runway (Runway 16C/34C) was originally constructed in 1969, with a 20-year design life. The Port began a Runway Improvement Program in 1993 to rehabilitate and extend the useful life of the runway. More than 400 concrete panels have been replaced since the beginning of the program.
The cost of the project is anticipated to be completed at less than the projected budget of $5.65 million due to lower construction bids.