West Seattle public meeting to focus on ‘green’ options for stormwater control, Aug. 5
Alternative means for Combined Sewer Overflow control in the Barton basin in West Seattle.
Tue, 07/20/2010
Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO's) are on the agenda again and King County has a goal of reducing their number to meet state regulations. Combined Sewer Overflows are in place in older parts of King County’s wastewater system. They carry both wastewater and stormwater to the treatment plant. When heavy rains fill the pipes, excess stormwater and sewage flow directly into local bodies of water. They were originally designed to avoid damage to facilities and sewer backups into homes and businesses and onto streets during storms.
Today, CSOs are a concern because untreated wastewater and stormwater may be discharged into Puget Sound during large rain events or rain induced snow melts posing risks to public health and the environment. The County's long-term goal is no more than one untreated discharge per location per year.
The county is seeking 'green' methods for controlling stormwater.
King County released this announcement about the next meeting:
Community members seeking information about King County’s proposed use of green stormwater infrastructure to control combined sewer overflows in West Seattle’s Barton Basin are invited to an upcoming meeting:
Thursday, Aug. 5
6 to 8 p.m.
The Hall at Fauntleroy
9131 California Ave. SW
Green stormwater control techniques focus on retention and infiltration to mange urban runoff in an environmentally sensitive manner. Staff from King County’s Wastewater Treatment Division will explain what green stormwater infrastructure is and how it could be used in West Seattle’s Sunrise Heights and Westwood neighborhoods to control combined sewer overflows (CSOs) in Puget Sound during heavy rains. Other proposed options include building underground storage tanks near the Fauntleroy ferry dock or at the old Fauntleroy School site.
Those unable to attend the meeting are invited to learn more about proposals to control CSOs in the Barton Basin on the project website at:
For additional information, to provide feedback on the proposals, or to arrange reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities at the meeting, please contact Martha Tuttle at 206-684-1207 or e-mail Martha.tuttle@kingcounty.gov.