West Seattle raised actress Erin Register asks you to vote for her for a role on AMC's TV show Mad Men by clicking here: http://madmencastingcall.amctv.com/browse/detail/PDUQTP
West Seattle born and raised professional actress Erin Register, Seattle Lutheran High School class of '03, is asking for your vote. She is vying for a role in the popular early 60's genre AMC TV show Mad Men. The popular show shines a light on the male-dominated culture of the advertising world and office environment in New York City from that era.
"It's all about this early 60's advertising firm and what that world was like," said Register. "Women were receptionists. It was a man's world where they smoked cigarettes in the office for the most part and when women walked by men would smack their butts, good old boys. The show is very well-written."
Erin Register received her Bachelor’s in Broadcast News with a double minor in English and Theatre from The Edward R. Murrow School of Communication at Washington State University. During her time at WSU, she was involved in Cable 8 Productions where she won The Edward R. Murrow School of Communication Best Female Talent Award for her work on the comedic late-night show After Hours, which she co-wrote.
Click onto Register's website to see her acting resume.