Psychotic thinking
Mon, 07/26/2010
To the editor:
This may not be politically correct but.......
The Merriam Webster dictionary defines Psychosis as "defective or lost contact with reality as evidenced by delusions etc...." and a Neurosis is "a mental and emotional disorder and is accompanied by less distorted perceptions of reality than a psychosis." A simple analogy is that Neurotics build castles in the sky and Psychotics not only build them but they also live in them.
When we get involved in a war in Iraq on the basis of lies ie. Weapons of Mass Destruction, someone has clearly lost touch with reality. When we are spending ourselves into oblivion in the hopes of preventing a depression the likes of which the world has never seen, someone is delusional. When our State Legislature will not balance a budget but insists on raising taxes in a climate where unemployment is rampant and foreclosures are epidemic, then they are delusional. This also applies to Seattle's new Mayor. Aren't all these people Psychotic? Isn't raising taxes going to drive more small businesses into bankruptcy and isn't it going to make more people lose their homes?
Would any of the Politicians please be so kind as to explain how their insane spending is going to help the problem. Don't forget that it is these very same politicians that got us in this mess. Yes Wall Street shares some blame but it is the government that failed to oversee the financial health of our country. Hmmmm Didn't the SEC investigate Madhoff and find nothing wrong? Oops a $50 billion oversight. More recently didn't the government fail to oversee the off shore drilling of BP and all other drilling companies and isn't the Gulf of Mexico in all likely hood going to be polluted beyond our grand children's lifetime?
These very same politicians are asking us to believe that spending money we do not have is the solution to our problem. Isn't that the very same thinking that got us here to start? Isn't that living in a castle in the sky?
Why are we not doing something about the Psychotic thinking of the leaders that we have elected...........Ohh....I think that we did get the leadership we voted for didn't we?
John Spengler
West Seattle