West Seattle resident and sailor, Officer Jarod Newlove was last seen in the Logar Province of Afghanistan.
CNN is reporting that Petty Officer 3rd Class Jarod Newlove, 25, a 2003 graduate of Sealth High School is dead.
He was one of two sailors, both killed, who were involved in a firefight on Friday, July 23 in Logar province, Afghanistan, while he was supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.
A second sailor, Petty Officer 2nd Class Justin McNeley, 30, of Wheatridge, Colo., died from wounds sustained from the July 23 incident. Coalition Forces recovered his body July 25 after an extensive search.
According to a New York Times report, they quote an Afghan Governor, referring to Officer's Newlove and McNeley, as saying, "The two Americans were dressed in civilian clothes, and were seized while they were driving in an armored sport utility vehicle early Friday evening in the Charkh District of southern Logar Province, a Taliban hotbed."
The CNN report can be found here http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/07/29/afghan.ussailor.dead/#f…