Normandy Park rejects controversial cell tower
Thu, 08/12/2010
The Normandy Park cell tower controversy has been settled.
The City of Normandy Park has denied Clear Wire the permit to construct a cell tower at City Hall Park. The tower would have violated the zoning laws in the area, with the tower being taller than the allowed 40 feet.
Normandy Park faced opposition from citizens over the potential construction.
Clearwire Communications submitted an application for a conditional use permit to construct a 95-foot monopole wireless tower at 801 S.W. 174th St.
In May, concerned citizens held a meeting to discuss the issues they had with the tower, which was proposed between the basketball court and the bathrooms at the park. This would be within view of many homeowners near the site.
The general consensus was that the tower would be "an eyesore."
There were several locations considered for the wireless tower. According to Clearwire, Marvista Park and the Mill Creek Treatment Facility were not appropriate locations.
Other concerns stated by residents at the meeting included health concerns over radio frequency emissions, the devaluing of properties within sight of the tower and noise pollution from the "humming" sounds wireless towers can cause.