Citizen review panel assembled to make encampment policy recommendations
Tue, 08/17/2010
The Mayor's office is looking for some citizen involvement on the homelessness problem and today released a list of names of people who will sit on a panel to help move forward on the issue:
From the Mayor:
Today Mayor Mike McGinn announced the formation of a citizen review panel to make encampment policy recommendations to the Mayor’s Office and the Seattle City Council. This group has been convened to provide recommendations that are sensitive to the changing economic climate and the city’s ongoing budget realities.
A memo detailing the effort and questions for the review panel’s consideration is attached to this release. The following is a list of those serving on the panel.
Alison Eisinger, Seattle-King County Coalition on Homelessness, executive director
Tim Harris, Real Change, executive director,
Bill Hobson, Downtown Emergency Service Center, executive director
Vince Matulionis, United Way of King County
Paul Carlson, U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness, regional coordinator
Sheila Sebron, Committee to End Homelessness, veteran
Michael Ramos, Church Council, executive director
Bill Hallerman, Catholic Community Services, director
Amy Hagopian, University of Washington
Tom Tierney, Seattle Housing Authority, executive director