Nice Story on Monster Costume
Fri, 08/20/2010
You can file this under "proud parent" file if you wish
Just a bit of background on Nick Czajka, one of Monster Costume's employees, from me his father.
In tenth grade Nick wanted to skip ahead into AP calculus - the school officials at
East Lake High school said he would have to pass the first semester AP calculus final to do that.
So Nick read the calculus book over Christmas break and took the final.
When the tests were graded, the teacher announced that for the first time someone had scored 100% on the final and
what's more hadn't taken the class. As far as I know Nick's score - based on his self instruction
remains the only 100% on an AP calculus final at Eastlake. Other competitive testing placed him as the number one
high school math/physics student in the northwest, and number six ranked in the country.
Nick taught himself to build and repair guitar amps - he worked his way through UW working for THD
Electronics as their lead designer/repair person, and graduated with honors and no student loans.
THD is a world leader in high quality boutique guitar amps.
He ended up at Zekes Pizza because in this economy there have been few jobs. That is a story in itself.
A couple years ago he took up programming again , self taught. At his first paid programming gig at
Monster costume he seems to be handed the intractible problems. His grasp of the abstract is astounding.
Thanks for the nice story - just a bit of background for your file:)
Len Czajka