SWS Sponsors Scholarships to 2010 NW Permaculture Convergence
Wed, 08/25/2010
Sustainable West Seattle is offering two $50 scholarships (good towards reserved $65 admissions) to the 2010 Northwest Permaculture convergence held at South Seattle Community College from September 17-19.
Applicants must live within the SWS neighborhood (all of West Seattle and unincorporated King County West of the Duwamish river, and North of Burien), and submit the following information via. email to brian@sustainablewestseattle.org before 5pm on September 1, to be considered for the scholarships:
1) Full Name, Street Address, Phone and Email
2) A brief (less than 500-word) explanation of:
What experience you already have with Permaculture & Gardening.
Why you are interested in attending the Permaculture Convergence, and
How you intend to apply what you learn there (especially if you have a specific project in mind).
Winners will be selected by the SWS Coordinating Council Executive Committee, and announced on or before Sept 3 at 12pm. Any questions about the scholarship process should be directed to brian@sustainablewestseattle.org.
For more info about the 2010 NW Permaculture Convergence, please visit http://nwpermaculture.org.
For more info about Sustainable West Seattle, please visit http://sustainablewestseattle.org.