At the Emerald Spiral a broad spectrum of beliefs finds acceptance
Sun, 08/29/2010
Spirituality can take many paths because for each individual, life is unique. Only you can determine which belief works for you and come to your own terms with what you perceive to be reality beyond your five senses. At the Emerald Spiral Co-op 5910 California Avenue Southwest a group of people have come together to espouse their own beliefs but also to help you find yours.
The space is filled with crystals, stones, incense, art, jewelry, books, amulets, and in the back, a pyramid of copper tubing awaits those who would sit inside it.
Led by Susan Harmon the co-op has attracted members whose beliefs and abilities may seem odd but for others may strike the perfect chord. "I wanted to have a co--op here to have a space to help people in discovering who they are," Harmon said. "It has been my experience in life that it is very difficult to tell the difference between the lunatic fringe and the cutting edge. I'll give you an example. A friend of mine is a physicist at Los Alamos. He holds over three dozen patents and has a mad scientist lab in Santa Fe where we did all these experiments with crystals and stones. He's hardly a wild eyed radical."
Harmon is a healer and practical visionary. She has been a deeply involved community activist and retains the ability to motivate and lead. In a healing session you may be asked to sit inside the pyramid and hold stones from Tibet or Afghanistan as she sings, listens to what is needed, and chants all intended to heal you or help bring about your own healing process.
Each member brings something different to this potpourri of potential.
Barbra Manion, Bill Frantz, Suzanne Duffy-Kane, Robyn M Fritz, Anna Fruchterman, Wizard Azanon, Jessica Alanah Baird and Larry Taylor, Julie Danielson and Lori Aletha all have a unique perspective on how we all relate to the universe.
Manion is working toward building a website that's similar to the Emerald Spiral's inclusive nature with her company called Blithe Spirits LLC. "I was ready to leave the health care industry," said Manion. She describes it as a 'new energetic medicine collective for a new time in history'. People will be able to share like minded beliefs and seek assistance from others who are further along in their spiritual development on her site. She is aware that some people might see the ideas shared at the Emerald Spiral as hard to accept. "My response is that you are entitled to your opinion but I know what works for me."
Frantz does, "many things, I'm an open vocal medium, people speak through me, I see guides, I see energy, but mostly I'm a supportive person. I'm here to support the co-op because I think the most important thing the co-op is doing is making a safe space for people like this to blossom into what they can really do. That gives me such a great sense of success to watch and know that I've helped support them move forward on their path," he said.
Jessica Alanah Baird said, "Whenever I come here and experience the energy and the people here I feel so much love and positive energy. Right now I'm working in the mental health care industry and I'm trying to move into more of a spiritual foundation and helping people evolve and grow and change and become more in touch with love, more connected with the earth, and have more groundedness as we move forward into these new times, where I feel like we're at this brink of human evolution."
Anna Fruchterman is a tarot card reader, artist and ufologist. She said, "I help people through major transitions in life through soul retrieval, and feng shui work. I also like to help people get more in touch with their creative side through art and art therapy. It's a joy to see people come through to the other side and blossom and become more authentically human."
Wizard Azanon has what some might regard as a harder story to accept and yet, the very nature of the Emerald Spiral is about inclusion, acceptance and even promotion of ideas and concepts that more restricted belief systems might instantly reject. "Back in 2005," Azanon said," I received this energy activation from the planet Uranus through astral traveling. Since then I've received more activations. I was instructed to share these with other people to help them with their spiritual acceleration and personal ascension, and that's why I joined this co-op to help get these activations out to people to help them become more multi-dimensional in their consciousness. I love it when people get to discover gifts and facets that they've never experienced before."
Robyn M Fritz is an animal psychic and author of "Bridging Species: Thoughts and tales about our lives with dogs" who said, "One of the things that attracted all of us to the co-op is not just Susan's energy and her interest in moving us all forward into a cooperative community type relationship and not competitive, but agreeable kind of group of people." She's appreciative of "The variety of things we do here, my book's about dogs, our relationship with dogs and re-imagining that, to the events that we have and activations, the tarot, the healings, and our monthly meetings where we get together with crystal." She has a background in business management and holds business degrees.
Suzanne Duffy-Kane is an astrologer and said, "I'm a graduate of Keppler College of Astrological Arts and Sciences which is the first university since the 17th century to teach astrology. Prior to the 17th century astrology was taught as a regular part of the curriculum then the Enlightenment came along with an emphasis on science so that changed. The Catholic church became a very strong opponent of astrology because they have this thing about free will and fate. Astrology doesn't compel it impels. The Vatican has the largest astrological library in the world."
Larry Taylor is a reverend and author of "Welcome to the fourth dimension: Heaven on earth, the promise fulfilled!" His book, he believes is something of a continuation of the Bible suggesting that it is a natural follow on from the New Testament. He wrote part of the book with the assistance of "thirty psychics, and the first voice that came through was Jesus Christ." He is also a believer in reincarnation. "I've had my head chopped off in a few past lives," Taylor said of those who are skeptical, "I treat them with love, respect and love. I think it has taken thirty or forty years but I'm finally getting through that whole issue with myself."
Julie Danielson is a jewelry designer and certified nutritionist whose jewelry is on display and for sale at the Emerald Spiral.
Lori Aletha is Director of the Northwest Center for Enlightenment. She engages and helps others with past life regressions, is an intuitive counselor and tarot reader.
"38 years ago when I tried to put an ad in the Seattle Times, they refused to permit me to use the word 'Psychic' and only relented a few years ago by permitting the term ESP." She is one of the original participants it what was called the Boeing Psychic Fair which is the oldest continuous running psychic fair in the State of Washington.
The Emerald Spiral is being supported by the Boeing Employees Parapsychology Club (also the oldest Boeing employees club) for the Fall Expo to be held on Saturday, Sept. 25 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at the Kent Commons in Kent WA. Admission is free with free parking. There will be 150 vendors including readers, healers, and people selling stones, jewelry, books, clothing and more. The expo will feature a panel on parenting the intuitive child.
You can learn more about the Emerald Spiral through their website and call them at 206.937.2275. Their hours are: Tuesday through Friday: Noon to 7:00PM Saturday: 10:00AM to 6:00PM Sunday: Closed until mid-September. Closed Monday. Private appointments may be scheduled anytime.