Independence from foreign oil
Mon, 08/30/2010
While running for office, President Obama promised that if elected, he would get us off OPEC oil within 10 years. Earlier Presidents promised us similar independence.
Two years are gone and we still don't have a plan. In fact, there is some evidence that we're going in the wrong direction. In July 2010, we imported 388 million barrels of oil. That's the single largest import month since President Obama was inaugurated.
The NAT GAS Act will create jobs, clean up the environment and improve our national security by providing tax incentives to organizations that switch their fleets to operate on natural gas rather than on oil.
Think of the new jobs that will be created, the large sums of money that goes abroad will stay within US and the improvement in the environment. It may save your job or create a job for you or your loved one.
Election Day will soon be here. Those who are running for office--be it open seats, incumbents or challengers--take a look at this legislation and make independence from OPEC oil a central part of your campaign.
My vote belongs to the candidate who will, without any reservations, promise to work towards independence from imported oil. Glossy pamphlets or phone calls will not earn my vote.
I beseech others to also put the candidates on similar notice. United we can force the change.
Alankar Gupta
Normandy Park