By Stacey Riley
What's the easiest way to update your home? Paint, always paint! Nothing updates a room more easily, economically or more thoroughly than a fresh coat of paint. Dog and kid paws make walls dirty over time, so refresh that space with new color! Here are a few general rules to get you started and to keep in mind. Or, just call me for a color consultation!
Accent walls. I believe that most people view an accent wall as an opportunity to use color without actually committing. It is my job to push (or gently nudge) you out of your comfort zone. So, unless you have a fabulous view or an amazing architectural feature to highlight, forget that accent wall. Go for flow and stay away from this sure sign of an amateur at work. Accent walls often break up space in an awkward way and create a choppy feeling within a space.
Transitions. Unless you are using one color only (boring!) we'll need to consider how colors transition from one space to another. This one is easy; transition color on an inside corner, not an outside corner. Now, sometimes we can’t avoid this type of transition so choose the least viewable location and keep them to the bare minimum!
Color balance. Avoid living in a clown house. An easy way to do this is to think about balance. If I choose a warm color for one room, I tend to look for a cool color for its adjoining space. Or use what I call a “sister” color: the same color with less saturation. Another option is to reuse colors you have already selected—don’t use multiple blues (for example) unless they are noticeably different.
Of course every rule is made to be broken, but lets try to follow these rules as general guidelines to success. Good luck and most importantly, have fun!
Design questions? Need help with making a room work? Want to re-do your living room? Stacey Riley can be reached through her website