Ballard students need you
Sat, 10/16/2010
To the Editor,
As the parents of two children, one currently a senior at Ballard High School and the other a Ballard High School grad, we are painfully aware that cuts by the State Legislature to our schools have a direct and negative effect on our children and the quality of their education.
That is why passing the Seattle School Levy on Nov. 2 is so important.
This temporary, three-year levy will help offset just some of the $32 million the state has cut from our schools. It will also help to offset future cuts that our schools are bracing for.
At 12 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value, the owner of a $400,000 home will pay just $48 per year to support our kids. We think that’s a small price to pay to make sure our kids get a decent education.
The recent decision of the Seattle Times to endorse a no vote on this levy is unfathomable; they have completely ignored the urgent needs of our schools and are treating the money that this levy will raise as inconsequential.
Kids need textbooks. We need to support our teachers. We need to implement the new contract, which the Times congratulated the School District on negotiating. We need to do everything that we can to fully meet our responsibility of providing all children with a quality education.
Please join us in ignoring the Seattle Times and voting yes on Proposition 1, the Seattle School Levy. And, send in your ballots today!
Lyn Porterfield and Patrick Barta