Firefighters and Police are at it again - all for a good cause!
Thu, 10/21/2010
On Monday, October 25, from 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. at Joeseppi's Italian Ristorante located at 2207 North Pearl St. in Tacoma, South King Firefighters Foundation will take the restaurant over and bring folks in to eat a dinner with food proceeds going to the South King Firefighters Foundation and the Federal Way Police Department Officer Brian Walsh Memorial Fund.
South King serves Des Moines and Federal Way.
The Foundation raises funds through employee donations and fundraiser events to support worthy activities or charity events. The take-over event at Joeseppi's Italian Restaurant is the first for the Foundation and the Board will donate the funds to Federal Way Police Officer Brian Walsh's memorial fund.
"The family has had its challenges since Officer Walsh's death and this is an opportunity to help out where there is a definite need as well as a an opportunity to work with the police department on another fundraiser," said Capt. Kevin Crossen, president of the Foundation.
In the spirit of friendly competition and raising money for charity, the cops and firefighters have competed against each other for years on the basketball court, softball fields and most recently the Chili-Cook Off at the Farmer's Market in Federal Way.
"The Federal Way Police Department is looking forward to joining efforts with the South King County Firefighters Foundation to bring much needed support to the Walsh family," said Assistant Chief Andy Hwang.
Foundation and Police members are hoping to bring in as many co-workers, friends and family as possible to "take-over" the restaurant. The more customers who come and order food, the more money is raised.
"The food is excellent, the atmosphere family friendly and all one has to do order a meal. It's that easy and fun!" said Capt. Crossen.
For those who want to support the event, either go the restaurant during the 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. or order take-out meals. The restaurant's phone number is 253 761 5555 and web address is