Des Moines, Federal Way firefighters wear pink
Mon, 10/25/2010
South King Fire & Rescue firefighters have added a new color to their uniform this week, all in an attempt to raise awareness and support a worthy cause. It's voluntary, but the majority of the department's personnel are wearing pink shirts instead of their usual navy ones beginning today through October 31.
South King serves Des Moines and Federal Way.
The t-shirts were purchased by the South King Firefighters Foundation; however, some members have chosen to pay out of pocket for their own t-shirt.
"The campaign has really taken on a life of its own," said Foundation Chair Kevin Crossen, "We purchased enough shirts for the entire department and now we will probably doing a second order for additional shirts for family members and others who want to join the cause."
The South King Firefighters Foundation partnered with the Renton Fire Benevolent Association, who designed the shirts. Some of the proceeds from the shirt sales went directly to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.
The Washington State Council of Firefighters encouraged its members to coordinate and gain permission from administration to support this cause. The administration at South King Fire & Rescue offered full support, not only for the three days set aside at the end of the month, but for an entire week.
"We wanted to make sure all the crews had an opportunity to wear their shirts, so we extended it from three days to an entire week," said Fire Chief Al Church.
This is the first year of the campaign, and the Foundation hopes to make it an annual event. Cancer has affected many at South King Fire & Rescue, both professionally and personally. Many studies have shown that firefighters are more likely to develop testicular cancer and have a significantly higher rate of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and prostate cancer than people in other professions.
"This is really about increasing awareness and the importance of going to the doctor and getting check-ups," said Crossen.