Des Moines is continuing to work through a difficult budget, facing an overall deficit of $1.4 million.
The police department will likely see cuts this year, but they will not be on the level of last year, when five police officers were laid off.
The layoffs came after negotiations between the city manager and the police guild stalled.
The police department budget is at a level where cuts to it cannot be used to balance the city's general fund.
Because of the levy lid lift, approved by voters to increase the number of police in 2006, stipulates the city cannot spend less on police than they did in 2006. The police budget in 2006 was approximately $6.6 million. The proposed police budget for 2011 is $6.7. But cuts to police can be used to help the levy lid fund.
City Manager Tony Piasecki has recommended no Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for city employees as a general fund balancing strategy, but did not recommend no COLA for the police guild because the money could not be used to balance the general fund.
But, he said the expectation was the city employees agreed to go without a COLA is contingent on the guild agreeing to go without a COLA.
City employees are guaranteed a two percent COLA raise each year by their union. In the past they have agreed to give up benefits and their COLA so workers would not have to be laid off.
Piasecki is also recommending five furlough days. On furlough days City Hall would be closed.
The city's court found ways to make cuts without layoffs. Court workers are looking to save money by having married workers whose spouses have health care go onto their spouse's health care and give up their benefits.
Piasecki is recommending cutting the newly created economic development position held by Marion Yoshino. Her contract goes until April 30 2011, unless the City Council chooses to remove the position from the 2011 budget to balance the general fund.
The possibility of a groundbreaking on a 300-room hotel on Pacific Highway early next year prompted Piasecki to put back a couple of positions in the proposed budget he originally recommended be cut.
Because of the high likelihood construction on the hotel would begin in April, Piasecki is recommending a land use planner and building inspector be put back into the general fund budget for 2011.