Murray has been consistent
Wed, 10/27/2010
To the editor:
I would like to echo Lonnis Saisslin's letter to the editor last week in the Herald's endorsement of Patty Murray. Although Senator Murray has disappointed me with her continued support of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is critical that we not allow the Republicans to again take control of Congress and re-institute their goal of giving it all to the rich and letting the working class and poor fend for themselves. The Republicans are also hell-bent on privatizing Social Security, and we must not let that happen.
Senator Murray has been consistent in her support for labor and job creation in Washington State, and is in favor of letting Bush's tax breaks for the rich expire.
Rossi on the other hand has voted to lower minimum wage and wants to keep Bush's tax breaks for those making over $200,000 intact. The tired argument that giving more money to the rich will "trickle-down" lost credibility with Ronald Reagan. If it were true, everyone in the United States would be living the American Dream by now and completely free of financial worry, since the Super Rich billionnaires in this country already have more money than they know what to do with, tax breaks or no breaks.
Chris Anderson