FCA member concerned about potential of CSO project construction in Lincoln Park
Sat, 10/30/2010
West Seattle resident Martha Callard, who lives near Roxbury Street 2 blocks south of Wildwood is a member of the Fauntleroy Community Association who is very concerned about the potential of locating a Combined Sewage Overflow project in the south parking lot at Lincoln Park. She shared her concerns with the West Seattle Herald and is urging all area neighbors to attend the meeting on the matter, set for November 1.
Callard writes, "As you are aware, the folks at Murray Basin Citizens Advisory Group have suggested that the south parking lot at Lincoln Park would be a suitable alternate location for the necessary 1.25 million gallon sewage overflow storage tank.
Besides losing the 68 (+3 handicapped) parking spaces in that lot for about 3 years, a second major construction disruption along Fauntleroy Way with heavy trucks, equipment, etc. would have an adverse effect on the neighborhood which already is overburdened with overflow parking from the park, particularly during large gatherings such as swim meets or sporting and corporate events.
Another burden would be increased traffic avoiding the construction zones taking a side street from Fauntleroy Way east to 45th Ave SW. That road is narrow and much of it has no sidewalk.
They have long been seeking traffic remediation as speeding has long been an issue for them. Construction would be concurrent with the Barton Pump Station at Cove Park – which will occupy the entire park and thus prevent its use by neighbors for the 3 year construction period.
We must have as many neighbors at the meeting to voice their objections to the Lincoln Park site as possible."
Special Community Meeting November 1
Monday, Nov. 1, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. a Special Community Meeting: NEW Lincoln Park South Parking Lot proposal for Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) control, The Hall at Fauntleroy, 9131 California Ave S.W.
Public meeting to discuss the new alternative proposed by the Murray Community Advisory Group for CSO control in West Seattle.
King County has been working with the community in West Seattle since 2007 to develop a plan to control combined sewer overflows in Puget Sound. The Murray Community Advisory Group, or CAG, has recommended a sewage storage tank under the Lincoln Park south parking lot. King County needs to hear from the community as part of the process to evaluate this alternative.
King County has evaluated a number of alternatives for CSO control in West Seattle including upstream Green Stormwater Infrastructure, storage under the old Fauntleroy School back lot or under Upper Fauntleroy Way near ferry dock, and several options near the Murray pump station: including private property across the street from Lowman Beach Park, under Beach Drive, and under Lowman Beach Park.
Callard continues, "This new alternative developed by the Murray CAG would directly impact Lincoln Park users and nearby neighbors, especially during the approximate two year construction period. To make matters more complex, The Barton Street Pump Station at Cove Park, adjoining and north of the ferry dock, AND,a new RapidRide bus station across the street from the dock have already been scheduled for the same time period COME TO THIS MEETING, LEARN MORE and TELL King County WHAT YOU THINK."
More Information: To learn more about King County’s proposals for CSO control in the Barton and Murray basins visit the project Web page at www.kingcounty.gov/CSOBeachProjects. You can also access the CAG’s recommendation at this website.