Health concerns over airport screening
Tue, 11/30/2010
The headlines blare" Aggressive Airport Screening is Here To Stay" Oh really! It sounds to me like the TSA is yet another Federal Agency out of control, much like the EPA who almost single-handedly ruined the automotive industry.
The TSA seems bent on causing the same result with the airlines and, locally, the Boeing Company who just coincidentally is the USA's largest exporter of goods and services.
I am totally familiar with the TSA groping procedures because I have two prosthesis; a total knee replacement and an aorta valve replacement plus I'm a seventy-five year old white haired Caucasian man with a slight limp and these characteristics seem to set off all the alarms.
Prior to going through the electronic screening I announce to seemingly deaf ears that I have these prosthesis and offer documentation which apparently can not be read as it offers factual data to the screeners and would definitely fall in the function of a Profile - Horrors!
I even wear shorts to facilitate examination that at one time started out with just (1) a visual exam of the scars associated with these surgical procedures, (2) use of a wand over the affected scar area (3) wanding all over the body with lots of Humm's when over the scarred areas and (4) all of the aforementioned plus an intrusive gloved hands focused mainly on front of my shorts right behind the belt buckle area.
Today the news reports that woman had to remove an artificial breast related to breast cancer surgery and a man with a renal urine bag whose screener in his infinite wisdom decided to squeeze the bag causing the stored urine to spray all over the prospective airline passenger clothing.
There are even problems with the newly announced full body scans where our always truthful government states "radiation from these machines is minimal and SHOULDN'T pose any health concerns, but are being studied by medical researchers,"
Well, that's proof positive for me and while this study is underway 600 million annual passengers are being exposed to radiation whose effect may or may not be harmful. Remember the x-ray technician who takes your x-rays wearing a lead lined apron while standing behind a wall in a separate room.
Also, if they were so positive of their opinionated no harm assertion why did they not say WILL NOT pose any health concerns.
The TSA agency was a knee-jerk agency formed to deter any further commandeering of aircraft but it's now time to replace this arrogant and ever intrusive agency with a commercial firm that will use screening in conjunction with profiles and statistical sampling techniques to ensure security and who will report to the local airport authority.
Gary Kennedy
Des Moines