Neighborhood Gems: Keith Carver
Keith Carver and Robertino's Café: two staples in Sunset Hill.
Wed, 12/01/2010
Every child that has attended Loyal Heights Elementary School in the last 14 years has known him as “Keith, the crossing guard”; at Saleh’s he’s “the guy who breaks down the boxes”; and at Robertino’s he’s known as “the joke teller”, “the entertainer” or “Mr. Robertino’s”.
Keith Carver knows everyone and everyone knows Keith. Overtime he has become as loved in the Sunset Hill community as Robertino’s Café, the cozy Italian café on NW 80th that has been a staple for over 22 years.
Born and raised in Ballard, Carver once attended Loyal Height Elementary himself as a young boy. Now 55, he’s still at the school every morning and afternoon chaperoning the children across the streets in a bright orange vest.
“I like the kids,” he said sitting in his usual spot at Robertino’s. “I know most their names and when it’s cold I tell them to bundle up.”
Carver himself bundles up in a warm coat given to him by the neighborhood as a token of appreciation.
“He’s super loved around here and he loves everyone,” said Lori Riley, who works at Robertino’s.
“I met him when he randomly came in one day. He just stood at the doorstep but wouldn’t actually come in,” Riley said.
Once persuaded to come in, he has never left.
“That was five years ago. He hasn’t missed a day since,” said Riley. “He’s Mr. Robertino’s for sure. People call here to find him.”
Carver said that it’s the coffee and the company he enjoys most at Robertino’s.
“I’ve been coming here for a long time. I come here for my coffee and the girls are nice,” he said while giving Riley a boyish smile.
“He’s the entertainment around here,” Riley said. “He’s absolutely the best joke teller and sometimes he comes in and plays the guitar for us.”
While he recently picked up guitar playing, Carver is mostly a radio guy. If he’s not on crossing guard duty, breaking down boxes or spending time at Robertino’s, Carver enjoys walks around the neighborhood while listening to his portable radio.
“I walk a lot. It keeps me healthy,” Carver said pointing to the odometer strapped to the laces of his right shoe.
Rudy McCoy, also a regular at Robertino's, said Carver’s presence on the street keeps the kids hanging out on street corners in line.
A big sport fan, he never misses listening to a Seahawks or Huskies game on his radio and said that Hasselbeck is his favorite player on the Seahawks team.
“He’s so loyal. Loyal to Ballard. Loyal to his teams. Loyal to the community,” said McCoy. He knows everyone’s name and everyone knows him. He’s just a great asset to the neighborhood.”
Kids who graduate from elementary school to middle school and beyond still come up to Carver to say hi, Carver said.
“He’s definitely a big part of this little dysfunctional family we have here at Robertino’s,” added Riley.
Neighborhood Gems is a new series highlighting the unsung heroes in the community. Know anyone who should be featured? Let us know!