Seven productions by students in the Ballard High School Video Production Program have been named Finalists of the 15th Annual Derek Freese High School Film & Video Festival. This prestigious festival draws competition from high school filmmakers across the country and is judged by professors from Temple University's renowned film school and industry professionals.
This is the eighth year in a row that productions by students from the Ballard High School Video Production Program have been Finalists in the Derek Freese Festival. Some have also won top prizes.
Finalists for Best Documentary are "Bar Ink" by Spencer Miller, Robyn Cochrane, Justin Smith-Mercado, and Georgia Peck; "Henry" by Amelia Elizalde, Levi Friedman, Sheridan Koehler and Sean Hendricks; "Seattle Street Performers" by James Vitz-Wong, Tony Meyer and Matt Law-Phipps; and "Split Mind" by Rikke Heinecke, John Christensen, Blair Scott and Allie Stock.
Finalists for Best Fiction Film are "Buy, Sell, Trade" by Emily Deering, Amelia Elizalde and Blair Scott; "The Real World" by Matt Law-Phipps, Tony Meyer and Ryan Zemke; and "Signs" by Rikke Heinecke, Tony Meyer and Lizzy O'Laughlin.
Several of these works have also been nominated for Best Screenplay. The envelopes will be opened at the festival, and awards will be presented by filmmakers from the festival jury.
The festival will take place in Philadelphia at Temple's School of Film and Media Arts on Saturday, December 11.
Some of these finalists will have their Seattle premiere at The Showing in the BHS auditorium on Friday, Feb. 11th at 7 p.m. Tickets are $5 and will be sold at the door.
For more information on the Ballard High School Video Production Program, visit the program blog at .