Holiday safety rules from the Southwest Precinct
Tue, 12/07/2010
SW Precinct Captain Steve Paulsen sent out the following information to local media outlets on Dec. 7 and asked that it be shared with the community.
"Currently, our West Seattle crime trends are at the lowest in the past six years," Captain Paulsen said in an email. "Given that, we do expect, based upon historical seasonal trends, a modest increase given more citizens out and about shopping as well as possessing purchased gifts available inside their homes/cars."
Press Release from the SW Precint:
The West Seattle community has been experiencing record low crime over the past few months. This is due in part to the combined effort/partnership with our citizens who have been observant and vigilant to call 9-1-1 to report crimes and suspicious activity. We are now in the holiday season. The holidays are a time to spend with family and friends. This time of year often brings out predatory criminals looking for opportunities to benefit themselves.
Your Southwest Precinct would like to remind our folks in West Seattle of a few holiday specific trends that open people up to crime. This is a reminder for everyone to keep themselves safe this holiday season. These safety tidbits can be used year around as well…
Your Southwest Precinct police officers wish all of our citizens a safe and relaxing Holiday Season.
Your Southwest Precinct Police Officers
When Shopping:
1.Avoid leaving packages in the car.
2.Don’t carry more cash than you need.
3.Be aware of your surroundings when leaving a business, particularly if you’re carrying packages.
Home Security:
1.Use your locks and alarms. Open doors and windows are an easy access point for burglars. Make it as hard for them as possible. Criminals know that you have gifts waiting to be given to loved ones.
2.Know your neighbors and look out for each other. You know the people who should be in your neighbor’s yard. Call 9-1-1 if you see anyone suspicious. Forming a block watch is a great way to get to know neighbors.
Car Security:
1.Don’t leave anything of value in your car. This includes change in the ash tray and electronic accessories.
2.Park in well lit and public areas. Use existing light and people to make the prowler feel like he can be seen.
Child Security:
1.Make sure your child always walks with a friend or an adult.
2.Make sure your child knows how to call 9-1-1 and that they know to run to a public place if they feel like they are in danger.
After the holidays:
1.Don’t leave packaging for electronics or valuable gifts near your trash bin. That is a give-away as to the items in your house and can make you a target. Dispose of them inside of the recycle bin where they can’t be seen, or wait until the trash man is at your house and take the packaging out at that time so it is not sitting on your curb.
2.Record all serial numbers of new items that have them. If the items are stolen, serial numbers are the best way for police to positively identify items as yours. Put the serial number list in a safe place in your house (Not on a word file on your computer).