LOOKING FOR A LAST MINUTE CHRISTMAS GIFT? How about an engraved brick OR …T-Shirts and Fancy Hoodies (Sweatshirts) For Sale. We have about 30 T-Shirts and Hoodie Sweatshirts available for Christmas or for Birthdays throughout the year. They were made for last summer’s Alki Community Council Family Fun Day and we had a few left over. They have an artistic rendition of the Alki Statue of Liberty, created by Jen Galer, an Alki parent.
The T-Shirts & Hoodies are on super sale for half the previous retail price! Hoodies: $23.50; the Tye-Dyed T-Shirts come in both Short & Long sleeves and are on sale for $10 & $15 respectively. Hoodies are very plush and come in both White and the same Tye-Dyed Blue/Purple as the T-Shirts. Sizes include medium, and 6 different sizes labeled as Large. Sizes are limited, so call or email immediately to reserve your size.
Dear Friends of the Alki Statue of Liberty,
The Alki Community Council would like to thank all of you who have purchased engraved bricks and plaques for the Alki Statue of Liberty Plaza. Over 165 new bricks and 2 bronze plaques were added this fall, bringing the totals installed to over 2700 bricks and 32 plaques since the project began.
Only about 120 bricks and 4 Tribute Plaques are still available. Our agreement with the Plaza designers stipulates that we will not place additional bricks in the main Plaza floor so that the original spiral design remains intact. All new bricks ordered will be placed in the top landing in the pattern surrounding the Time Capsule Plaque. Orders placed by the end of March 2011, will be installed in the spring. Installation will be done by Seattle Parks & Recreation and we will email donors when an exact date is set.
The sale will continue with installations twice a year until our allotment of bricks and plaques is exhausted. To download an order form and for additional information, click on the links below:
The newest Brick Order Form - www.sealady.org/brickform.pdf
Catalog of Symbols - these can be engraved on your brick ($10 extra/use) - www.sealady.org/kenadar.pdf
Brick Sale Frequently Asked Questions - www.sealady.org/brickfaq.pdf
Tribute Plaque order form - www.sealady.org/plaqueorder.pdf
For information on bricks contact:
Eilene Hutchinson
For information on plaques contact:
Libby Carr
Funds raised through the sales of bricks and plaques are turned over to Seattle Parks & Recreation for placement in a designated fund for the continuing maintenance of the Statue and Plaza. The Alki Community Council is permitted to retain a 7% fiscal sponsor fee and can request a limited disbursement from the fund for Parks approved, ACC sponsored events that benefit the Statue and Plaza.
This past year the maintenance fund provided for restoration work on the patina finish on one of the large bronze plaques on the pedestal and on the Statue. The fund will also be used to purchase new plants next spring for the landscaped areas surrounding the Plaza.