The Seattle Department of Neighborhoods is hosting three free workshops to educate neighborhood groups and community organizations on the funding process and requirements for the Large Projects Fund, the matching fund that awards up to $100,000 for community projects.
Participants will learn about revised 2011 guidelines, project proposal development, community match requirements, and coordination with other city departments.
The Neighborhood Matching Fund (NMF) program supports projects initiated, planned, and implemented by community members in partnership with Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. Every award is matched by neighborhoods’ or communities’ resources of volunteer labor and donated materials, professional services, or cash.
Since it was created 22 years ago, NMF has awarded nearly $47 million with a community match of more than $68 million. Projects have involved 85,000+ volunteers who have donated more than 566,000 work hours.
The nearest workshop,led by Neighborhood Matching Fund project managers, will take place at the Ballard Library on January 27th at 6 p.m.
The deadline for the Letter of Intent is Monday, Feb 14.
Email or call 206-684-0464 for more information.
To learn more about the Large Projects Fund, visit