Citing the potential of a serious snow fall the Seattle Public Schools have cancelled all after school activities for today, January 11.
School will dismiss at the usual times.
A call placed to Arbor Heights Elementary School at 1:00 pm confirmed this. Principal Dr. Carol Coram said "Our literacy night has been rescheduled for February 15, from 6:00 to 7:00 pm."
West Seattle Elementary said, "The only thing that will be cancelled would be the community learning center after school." They were not certain if it would also involve any supplemental education services that are up to the discretion of each provider. They suggested that the YMCA After School Day Care would still be functioning and the High Point Community Center Day Care as well.
Sanislo Elementary School said that a unicycling club and and after school math tutoring program are cancelled for this evening. The before and after school day care are also cancelled for tonight and the Community Day School Association is closed after school today.
Sam Reed, Chief Sealth International High School Athletic Director said, "The home game against Franklin has been cancelled. As of now the girls basketball game tomorrow night, also against Franklin is still on." The boys basketball game will have to be rescheduled for later in the season.
West Seattle High School had a wrestling match against Nathan Hale that has been cancelled.
Other events that were scheduled for this evening will in some cases be re-scheduled.
We will update this story as we get more information.
Though it's a private school Westside School's Admissions Director David Bergler said, "We are reluctantly are going to cancel after school activities today. School will be dismissed at 3:15 pm but there will be no after care or after school classes. The last time we didn't do that we had staff that didn't get home till midnight. Doing all this is a way of keeping the storm away because it will be sunny and warm at 4:00."