The Highline School District takes allegations against staff members very seriously, according to district spokeswoman Catherine Carbone Rogers.
The district investigates to determine if there is any reason to issue some kind of discipline.
In the case of possible criminal action, police officials are notified, Rogers noted.
The district fired Jason Boehm, a substitute stadium manager, last spring for conducting physical exams on students without the proper medical credentials.
The district athletic director and Evergreen High athletic director were also placed on leave and eventually reassigned to other positions.
The state organization that oversees high school and middle school sports was also contracted to conduct a full audit of the district’s athletic program.
One of the first things the district does when it receives anonymous allegations is try to get the accuser to reveal themselves so the district can obtain more information, according to Rogers.
Most people with concerns identify themselves, she added.
The Times/News received an email asserting that the district was questioning high school students about a party hosted by a district principal where alcohol and drugs were given to students.
Rogers said the district received the same anonymous allegation. Staffers investigated and established that a party had been held by the principal’s child. When the principal discovered alcohol was being served, the principal took immediate action to stop it, Rogers reported.
The child does not attend the same school where the parent is the principal.
The district receives few anonymous complaints, Rogers said.
“This is the first anonymous allegation that has come across my desk in a couple of years,” Rogers declared. “It shows that we investigate well. That’s how I take the lack of anonymous concerns.”