Conrad Wesselhoeft is pictured humbly signing his book, "Adios Nirvana" to Holly Cupala, Seattle author of the well-reviewed book, "Tell Me a Secret" during a book signing party at a Fauntleroy residence.
Fauntleroy resident and author Conrad Wesselhoeft wrote a book of fiction about a West Seattle teen with angst and a wild guitar called Adios, Nirvana, which the West Seattle Herald covered here:……
The American Library Association just announced that his book was one of 99 chosen by their YALSA, or Young Adult Library Services Association, division. Adios Nirvana was honored on the 2011 Best Fiction for Young Adults list. Although Wesselhoeft modestly told the West Seattle Herald that his book was just one of 99, the American Library Association told the West Seattle Herald their choices were significant.
"The 99 titles were chosen from 198 official nominations, but the committee drew from thousands of books across the United States," a YALSA committee member in their Chicago office told the West Seattle Herald. "There was an 18-month eligibility period. The committee members are reading like crazy all year and are looking at review sources, and we accept field nominations from librarians. A lot of librarians use this list to purchase books for their library."
Wesselhoeft did want to point of that he also proud his book made "The Librarian Chick's Top 10 List", a Florida-based blog.