Another objection to Bill Ayers as Highline College invitee
Mon, 01/17/2011
Per the most recent issue of the Times/News, renowned '60s-'80s left wing radical Bill Ayers will be making a speech at Highline Community College on Jan. 20 in regards to MLK Day.
The school has a right and maybe a duty to bring controversial persons to speak, which means controversial persons like Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Dennis Miller, Cal Thomas, et al can expect invites....right? After all, taxpayer money is being used here and not all taxpayers think alike.
Mr. Ayers has had a long and close connection to Obama, is married to Bernardine Dohrn who was on the FBI 10 Most Wanted list, and was secretary to the SDS in 1969. In Chicago, he put a bomb at the Haymarket Memorial where police officers were killed in 1886 and on 9/11/01 said his previous bombings were "not enough," though now he denies it.
He participated in the Days of Rage riots in 1969, participated in bombing of the NYC police HQ in 1970. U.S. Capitol in 1970, and Pentagon in 1972. But, of course, they were attacks on buildings, not "people," so that makes it all right?
Now he is a "distinguished" retired professor at the University of Illinois (Chicago) and let's not forget the liberal buzzword-he is interested in "social justice." Oh, aren't we all!!
Do you know who Van Jones and the Cloward-Piven team are? You would if you watched Glenn Beck. They are just like Ayers and preach violence in the streets.
Another denial of Ayers is from an undercover FBI agent that basically says when the Weather Underground takes over the U.S. government, 25 million Americans will have to be killed-the number expected who will not go along with their view of the world. HMMM.
I am fully in support of Sarah Palin, her family and her values. I do not worship at the altars of environmentalism, the homosexual agenda, pro-choice unions, all belief systems are valid, anti-gun, anti-business, anti-rich people, spreading the wealth, and you get the picture.
Don't like what you see here, go to Google and search something on Bill Ayers. I used the "Radical Politics of Bill Ayers" and got almost 500,000 responses.
Obama just gave a real good speech in Tucson, and maybe he is coming around after two years. That progessivism/liberalism/left-wingism is dangerous to the body politic and, most important, to one's re-election chances.
Phil Stanat
Des Moines