The Burien City Council voted unanimously to encourage the citizens of Burien to support the renewal of the Highline School District tax levy when it goes on the ballot on February 8.
The current Highline School District property tax levy brings in a quarter of the Districts operating budget, paying for approximately 250 teachers and support staff.
The levy will expire after this year if voters do not approve to extend it for another five years.
If passed the levy would not raise property taxes until 2015, but simply keep the $3.44 tax on every $1,000 of assessed property value. In 2015 the tax would be raised from $3.44 to $3.52.
In 2012 the Highline School District would raise approximately $46 million to fund teachers and basic operations in the District.
According the District approximately 80 percent of the levy would pay for teachers and staff.
On a statement from the Highline School District website they say if the levy is not passed it would cause a significant decrease in programs and staff.
“State funding does not fully cover the costs of educating students to today’s standards, and with recent state cuts schools depend on levy funding more than ever. Levy failure would mean dramatic reductions in staff and programs that would impact student learning.”
The Burien Council listened as teachers and concerned citizens urged them to support the levy. No one got up to speak when Burien Mayor Joan McGilton asked if there were any opponents to the resolution who would like to speak.
Councilmember Rose Clark said she remembered a time when levies were used to fund enhancements like after school programs and swimming, not necessities to running the School District.
She expressed her concern that school libraries especially would be hit hard if the levy is not passed.
“I don’t believe you can have a good kindergarten through 12 education system without a strong library system,” Clark said.
Mayor Joan McGilton said successful economic development in the community relies on a successful education system.
“Without this levy there is going to be a significant impact to our business community,” McGilton said.
The council vote was unanimous in favor of supporting the District levy. Councilmember Jack Block Jr. was absent from the meeting.