As the West Seattle Herald told you about first in December a "Ropes Challenge Course" is being built in Camp Long in cooperation with Washington State University.
Last year, Seattle Parks and Washington State University 4-H entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to bring the course to Camp Long. Parks is moving forward with implementing this agreement and plans on breaking ground in spring 2011.
The public has a chance to meet the design team for the project on Thursday, Jan. 27 at 7:00 pm.
There will be several elements of the ropes course that will be integrated into the forested areas of Camp Long and will provide an integral part of the developed curriculum. WSU 4-H, through 30 years of adventure
education experience, has created student focused curriculum that use activities to strengthen critical life
skills including decision making, self confidence, positive risk taking, selfesteem, teamwork and leadership. Camp Long will be joining an extensive system of WSU 4-H Adventure Education Programs and Courses.
Funding for this project is provided by Washington State University Extension's 4-H Youth Development
Whether you are hearing about this for the first time, or are already actively involved, you are invited to
come to the meeting and leam about the next steps for the project at Camp Long.
For more information please contact:
Chukundi Salisbury, Project Manager
Seattle Parks and Recreation or 206.612.6342
or visit:
Camp Long, 5200 35th Ave SW, Seatde, WA 98126