Normandy Park sets meeting on Manhattan Village plan
Thu, 02/10/2011
Normandy Park’s Manhattan Village sub area planning process will begin with the first of several community workshops on Thursday, March 3 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Normandy Park Recreation Center, 801 S.W. 174th Street.
All city residents and especially those living or working near the Manhattan Village shopping area are encouraged to attend.
The meeting, called a "Vision Workshop," will introduce the sub area project-- a long-range plan for Manhattan Village and adjacent properties –- and ask
participants to discuss and compare city expectations for the site with their own.
Facilitators will lead group exercises to explore a wide range of topics, including future uses, the scale and density of development, and how growth might improve facilities and conditions for neighboring properties.
The evening will begin with presentations by consultant Bill Grimes of Studio
Cascade, a Spokane-based planning firm and Mark Hinshaw of Seattle’s LMN
At least one other community meeting will take place this spring, with additional events anticipated for the fall. The draft plan is expected to be complete by December.
Residents wishing to follow or learn more about the plan should reference the
project-specific website, at