From the east side of the Duwamish last week, a person living near a business on s. Michigan St. noticed a ground level window had been pried out and was leaning against the wall. He called police and four officers arrived. Everything was locked up so the officers went in through the window to investigate. Shortly after the owner showed up and it became apparent the suspects had gone through most of the offices and work areas but, “laptops, desktop computers, cameras and money that were left in plain sight were left behind.” Instead or stealing anything significant, the suspect(s) apparently located office munchies and went to town. Police found trails of crumbs from office to office, an empty cracker box and bits of chewed pineapple on top of a filing cabinet.
The owner of a warehouse on 17th Ave s.w. has been the victim of serial burglaries, the suspects generally stealing anything scrappable. Because his warehouse kept getting broken into, the owner decided he would start staying there to keep watch. As the clock struck midnight between Feb. 5 and 6 he realized he was too tired and went home for a few hours of sleep. Sure enough, when he got back around 9:30 a.m. someone had broken in yet again, forcing their way in through a boarded up entrance and stealing a power pack. The owner also noted to police that the second level bathroom light was on illuminating the fact that all of the bathroom fixtures had been stolen a week before.
Burglar(s) broke into the basement storage area of a new and used DVD, CD, VHS tape and record store on the 4700 block of California Ave s.w. sometime in the night on Feb. 5. The burglars cut a padlock to get into the storage area and only stole glass pipes, “of the sort commonly used for smoking drugs,” according to the responding officer. Apparently not the music type or movie buffs, the suspect(s) did not touch a single DVD, CD, VHS or record. An employee estimated the untouched entertainment inventory at $200,000.
Burglaries by block: 9400 17th Ave SW, 4700/5900 Delridge Way SW, 4200 W Marginal Way SW, 7900 20th Ave SW, 4700 23rd Ave SW, 4500 26th Ave SW, 4000 SW Holgate St, 1900 California Ave SW, 3300 31st Ave SW, 5400 17th Ave SW, 4000 SW Henderson St
Car prowls by block: 2400 SW Barton St, 8600/2300 22nd Ave SW, 1900 47th Ave SW, 1900 46th Ave SW, 8000 Fauntleroy Way SW, 8600 24th Ave SW, 8600 30th Ave SW, 3400 SW Admiral Way, 5200 44th Ave SW, 600 SW Kenyon St
The success of this column is largely based on feedback, tips and suggestions from you, the reader, so if you have a tip, or concern about crime in West Seattle please contact Ty Swenson anytime at