The Crown Hill sporting goods store, 3GI, has been sold to Prostock Athletic Supply, a Bellingham-based sporting goods store.
3GI has been in the LaMaine family since 1946 but due to age and health issues, owner George LaMaine has transferred ownership to Eric Ericsson.
"The ride is over," LaMaine said. "It was a pretty tough situation but it had to come to an end sooner or later."
LaMaine said he had been looking for a while to find a good business to take over.
"I've been asking Eric for 2.5 years to buy it from me. I'm confident that he will keep it going as well as we did, if not better," he said.
3GI will keep its name and appearance but while 3Gi has predominantly been a baseball goods store, Prostock will add more products to the store including football and volleyball gear, employees said.