Metro operating normal routes in Seattle & North King County; conditions could still change
Wed, 02/23/2011
Press Release:
At the start of service on Thursday morning, Metro routes in the Central Seattle, North Seattle, North King County and most of the South Seatle Snow Areas are operating via their normal routes and stops, with possible delays due to conditions and service that is affected in East, Southeast and Southwest King County.
All Metro routes in the East King County, Southeast King
County and Southwest King County Snow Areas are on their snow routes.
Only rotues 106 and 107 are currently affected in the South Seattle Snow Area.
It is possible for conditions to change rapidly. Please plan your travel accordingly. Be aware of conditions in your immediate area, watch media reports, visit Metro Online for information and watch for Transit Alerts with updates as we get them.
Metro’s online Trip Planner does not reflect snow routing; use it to plan your trip as it would be under normal circumstances, but always check for service disruptions we’ve been able to plan on; they are posted in the Alerts section of Metro Online. Please note that unexpected disruptions may occur.
While Metro posts and sends Transit Alerts about known or planned service disruptions, rapidly changing road, traffic and weather conditions along with the sheer volume of service being affected when it snows, makes it impossible to know about every service interruption. It may not be possible to report on service that is affected on a per trip or per stop basis.
If you are in an outlying or hilly area, or if the route in your neighborhood is a commuter-type route with a limited number of trips, Metro encourages you to go to a transit center, park and ride lot or more heavily traveled flat arterial where there is more service available.
When it snows, expect possible significant delays. Allow plenty of extra time to reach your destination. Buses may be crowded or delayed on snow days.
Before traveling, check Metro Online for the most current status of Metro service. Updates to the online information begin as early as 4 a.m. and continue as needed until the event is over.
Thank you for riding and for using Metro’s services.
Travel safely