The Seattle Women’s Commission is seeking candidates to fill vacant seats on the Commission. Operating under the support of the Seattle Office for Civil Rights, the Commission is comprised of twenty accomplished Commissioners appointed by the Mayor and City Council.
The Commission addresses economic opportunity for women, race and social justice, women’s health, disparities in health outcomes for low-income women and women of color, affordable high quality child care, women’s role as caregivers, violence against women and the unique challenges facing immigrant women. Information gathered from this work is used to advise the Mayor and City Council on women’s issues.
Anyone interested in serving on the Seattle Women’s Commission should submit a resume and letter of interest by Friday, March 4, 2011 to Marta Idowu at
Successful applicants serve a two year term, must live in Seattle, and be available for monthly meetings the 3rd Monday of every month from 5:30-7:30 p.m.