West Seattle's Marilyn Schoeman working to make good things happen with Global Green Light Day
Fri, 03/11/2011
Marilyn Schoeman a West Seattle-based international speaker, author and business consultant is the driving force behind what she says is a new global movement called Global Green Light Day, on March 21.
Her press release states "The Green Light Goal is: Create the greatest good, in the best way, for the most people, for the longest time. The standard first rule for some groups is “First, do no harm.” With Green Light, it is, “First, do some good - then do some more.”
Schoeman, is the author of, “GO! How to Think, Speak and ACT to Make Good Things Happen”.
She urges people to use the week from March 14 -21 to "Plan a series of Green Light actions, ending with a celebration of your achievements on the 21st. Honor the friendships expanded in the process. Make plans to continue the efforts throughout the year. Start your day with a Green Light greeting. Before you leave the house sound a “Good morning, world! Good morning, family! Happy Global Green Light Day!”