Time to sweep White Center; 8th Annual Spring Clean May 14
Thu, 03/17/2011
Press Release:
The White Center community is gearing up for its annual Spring Clean, an event that brings together volunteer youth and elders, business owners and residents, and diverse people together to work, clean and improve the
neighborhood’s physical environment.
“I hear people all the time say this is the event they look forward to each year, and we’re proud of how its grown to be truly driven by community interests and people power,” said Aileen Balahadia, Executive Director of the White Center Community Development Association.
The White Center CDA is a catalyst for a healthy community and new prosperity in White Center- so it’s a better place to visit, shop, and live. Asked why she participates in the Spring Clean event, White Center resident Julia Bautista Salinas said: “Everyone in White Center benefits from events like Spring Clean because it helps create a clean look for the community and helps erase negative nicknames. This event makes me proud to say I am from White Center.”
In 2010, over 400 volunteers turned out for the Spring Clean event. Some of our projects were painting one block-long mural previously plagued with graffiti, picking up litter in the business district and around the community, giving out 25 planter boxes to businesses, removing invasive plant species at three parks, helping elderly and disabled families with trash removal, and hauling away four tons of garbage.
Volunteers covered 70 neighborhood blocks and completed 19 individual beautification projects developed by local residents and groups. The White Center CDA thanks our sponsors for their contributions to this year’s
event: King County Housing Authority, King County Parks and Recreation, King County Food and Fitness Initiative, Impact Capital, Seattle Public Utilities, Waste Management and the White Center Chamber of Commerce.
Volunteers are needed! To sign up as a volunteer, contact Nhan Nguyen, Neighborhood Revitalization Program Manager at (206) 694-1082 or at whitecenterspringclean@gmail.com, and fill out the attached registration form. To register online, visit http://whitecenterspringclean.tumblr.com and you will see the link to register. Volunteers will receive a complimentary t-shirt, light breakfast, refreshments, and lunch.