Ten Ballard High School shorts will be screened at the NFFTY film festival this year. Pictured is a screenshot from 'Signs" by BHS students Rikke Heinecke, Elizabeth O'Laughlin, and Tony Meyer. "Signs" tells the story of a homeless man whose life is suddenly transformed when a stranger plops a rainbow of inspiration into his styrofoam cup.
The National Film Festival for Talented Youth released a trailer for the 2011 film festival, "United by Film: Future by NFFTY" this week. The teaser features 30 of the 225 films accepted into this year's festival. Ten of the 225 films come from Ballard High School's Video Production Program.
The film festival, to be held April 28 through May 1st, received a record-breaking 700 submissions. The festival will feature 225 films from over 15 countries and 30 states, 40% of them directed by young women. The festival will offer something for everyone as all genres including drama, horror, kid friendly, animation, music videos, experimental, action, and sports are represented.
NFFTY's "Traveling Seats" volunteers will be out promoting the festival at the Ballard Farmer's Market this Sunday.
NFFTY is the brainchild of Ballard High School alum Jesse Harris. In 2003, Harris became the youngest American ever to write and direct a feature film that was theatrically released and featured internationally on HBO.
For more information, visit http://nffty.org.