Ballard District Council to vote on Neighborhood Projects Funds proposals
Wed, 04/13/2011
At tonight's Ballard District Council meeting, the members will discuss and vote on small scale improvement projects that are considered for funding from the Neighborhood Projects Funds.
Earlier this year, the city put out a call for small scale improvements to parks and transportation proposed by citizens and neighborhood groups to be considered for funding from the Neighborhood Projects Funds.
Approximately $1.25M is available annually from the NPF to fund such proposals from across the city. Since the city attempts to distribute these resources equitably, approximately $90K is available to each neighborhood district.
In 2009, over 40 proposals from the Ballard district were received. Of this number, three were funded and constructed in 2010. Last year, this process was not opened to proposals from the public but this year, the application process was reopened. Proposals were due by March 8th and the city received 14 proposals from citizens and community groups in the Ballard district.
The Ballard District Council appointed a four-member committee to review the new proposals plus two projects which were prioritized but not funded from last year’s process.
The NPF Review Committee has met twice over the past three weeks and carefully reviewed information in each proposal and becoming familiar with the projects locations and conditions.
In developing their recommended list of projects, the NPF Review Committee considered several factors:
- Projects which address a recognized unsafe condition
- Projects which will bring benefit to the largest number of persons
- Projects which are “shovel ready” and not requiring a great deal of planning and design work
- Projects which are likely to be priced in a way which will allow for multiple projects to be funded from the
available 2012 dollars
The Ballard DC must consider the NPF Review Committee’s recommendations and adopt a list of three targeted projects for submittal to Seattle DOT which will analyze them for cost and feasibility.
The NPF Review Committee recommends that the following projects be submitted as priorities of the Ballard district.
- Textured sidewalks – N/NW85 (2011- 076)
Committee recommends that all four crosswalks at the intersection of NW 85 at 15 NW be constructed with textured, stamped, or otherwise enhanced crosswalk material. This project was deemed to be a good investment since it can be incorporated into SDOTs plan to repave NW 85 (I5 to 15 NW) scheduled to begin later this year.
- Speed control on residential streets - 13 NW and 14 NW from NW 95 to NW 100 (2011-016 & 2011-017)
Committee recommends that both of these projects be evaluated as a single issue since both proposals address the same alignment south of NW 100, both projects flank the Crown Hill Center/Crown Hill Park, and that a common remedy should be identified for both similar conditions on these long-block residential streets.
- Radar speed display signs - 8 NW from NW 85 to NW 100 (2011-015)
Committee recommends this proposal be evaluated. It is recognized that vehicles are documented travelling at excessive speed along this segment of a secondary arterial which passes through a residential neighborhood. Committee also suggests that, if this project is determined to be feasible by SDOT, its cost might be shared between Ballard and the adjoining NW district.
Here's the full list of proposals:
2011-006 -Textured crosswalks - 15th Ave NW at NW 80, NW 85 and Holman Rd NW - Holman Rd NW and 6 NW and 3 NW - NW 85th and 8th Ave NW
2011-007 – Improve sight lines and enhance ped safety - NW 85 and 14 Ave NW
2011-014 - Ped safety - NW 62 and 36 Ave NW
2011-015 – Radar speed display signs 8 NW from NW 85 to NW 100
2011-016 – Speed control on residential street - 13 Ave NW between 95 and 100 St
2011-017 - Speed control on residential street - 14 Ave NW between NW 95 and 100 St
2011-066 – Improve existing crosswalk - 24h Ave NW at NW 58
2011-076 – Textured crosswalks - NW 85 from I-5 to 15 Ave NW
2011-084 - Speed control on residential street - 28 Ave NW between NW 80 and NW 83
2011-087 – Improve safety for vehicles and peds - Intersection of NW 80, 28 NW & Loyal Way NW
2011-097 – Improve safety for peds and vehicles backing out – vicinity of NW 87 & 15 NW
2011-098 - Mural - 1508 NW 87
2011-099 - Improve conditions on and near ped overpass - Holman Rd NW & 13th Ave NW
2011-101 – Mural on Ballard Bridge support - Ballard Way to NW 41st
2009-058 – Install sidewalk/walkway - west side of 17 NW from NW 85 to NW 87
2009-166 - Traffic circle - The intersection of 26 Ave NW and NW 83 St